Saturday, February 11, 2012


Between the lands of you and me
There lies forgotten the road
The steps you take no footprints leave
How then shall I find your abode?

  Night descends frowning and complains
Of the promise I did not keep
My heavens in grey of silent pains
On my grass the ceaseless weep

The numbness of my lonely palms
Prays for the warmth of you
To you reach all my longing psalms
Before the heavens in blue

Letters I did not write and send
Yet every word resounds
Tales began but had no end
Of graves on velvet grounds

Memory haunts the wreck of my ship
You embrace the cracks of my soul
The Sadhu takes the holy dip
To release himself from the Whole

Your tower sits beyond my reach
They clipped my wings last spring
And then to fly come who will teach
No winds to thee can bring

On hope of you, the dream I weave
And Oblivion writes the Ode
The steps you take no footprints leave
How then shall I find your abode?


  1. Good one :) Loved these lines...

    Your tower sits beyond my reach
    They clipped my wings last spring
    And to fly then come who will teach
    To you no winds can bring
